IVF Cost Calculator

As you do research into IVF, you’ll find that it’s incredibly hard to understand exactly how much you’ll have to pay for treatment, even if a price is listed.

We’ve created a calculator to help you understand your potential all-in cost and an explanation of the factors that impact pricing.

Quick plug: At Gaia, we fix and cap your costs, create a plan that includes everything you’ll need for treatment, and offer a flexible repayment schedule for up to 8 years after you have a child.

Calculate the cost of your IVF treatment

Try different combinations of locations, treatment, and embryo transfers to see how much IVF might cost for you.

When you call a clinic, try asking “What isn’t included in this cost?” to get an idea of what you’ll need to add to your budget.

FYI: We define “cycle” as an egg retrieval and the transfer of all embryos you create from that retrieval, both fresh and frozen.

This is the average cost of our partner clinics as of February 2024.

Select your treatment
On average, people do 2-3 transfers.
Cost Breakdown
Estimated cycle cost
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When you call a clinic, try asking “What isn’t included in this cost?” to get an idea of what you’ll need to add to your budget.

FYI: We define “cycle” as an egg retrieval and the transfer of all embryos you create from that retrieval, both fresh and frozen.

Quick plug: At Gaia, we fix and cap your costs, create a plan that includes everything you’ll need for treatment, and offer a flexible repayment schedule for up to 8 years after you have a child.

Important costs to consider

Let’s break down the factors that impact your overall price.


IVF costs can vary across your home city and the entire country. Big city clinics often have high rent costs, more staff members, and competition from other clinics.

Your fertility clinic

Every clinic is different, including how they bundle treatment costs. Deciding between two clinics? Consider where you feel most welcome. Invest in a clinic that invests in you.

Pre-treatment costs

Before starting treatment, you’ll discuss your goals with a doctor and do a few preliminary tests and scans. This is paid out of pocket and isn’t included in clinic packages.

Type of treatment

Once you’ve completed your pre-treatment testing and chosen a clinic, your doctor will recommend the best course of IVF treatment for you.

Additional procedures

People 35+ may need procedures like PGT-A testing. If you’re freezing embryos or need multiple embryo transfers, set aside money for freezing, storage, and thawing.

Medication protocol

We list a price range for medications because the price depends on the meds you’re prescribed. Your doctor will select the best medications for you in a given cycle.

Check out the cost for fertility treatment in your area:

Gaia fixes your costs before you start treatment

Gaia is the most affordable way to start — and protect — your IVF journey. Give yourself peace of mind with all-inclusive, fixed upfront cycle costs that get repaid after you have a child.

Here’s how it works: When you start a cycle, you pay a protection fee, and we’ll cover all your costs for up to 3 cycles. When you have a child, you have up to 8 years to repay your fixed costs. If you don’t have a child or decide to stop at any point, you won’t have to pay the full cost of your treatment.

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