There's got to be a better way to pay for IVF.
Start IVF with a protection fee and we’ll pay all your treatment costs. Pay nothing more if you don’t have a child.

“Finding Gaia was the first time in IVF that we actually thought we'd won something. Having Gaia wasn't just financial support, it was personal support as well.”
The better way to pay for IVF
Start a treatment cycle by paying a protection fee. We’ll pay your clinic on your behalf.
When you have a child, you’ll repay only for the cycles you completed, in flexible monthly instalments, for up to 8 years.
If you don’t have a child after 3 cycles, don’t pay for any of your treatment.
If you decide to stop before the end of 3 cycles, we’ll discount your cycle costs.
0% interest
while you go through treatment.
You come first. Bills can wait. Our treatment costs don’t accumulate interest until you have a child. Just pay a protection fee to start a cycle, and you can start repayment after you bring your child home.

To create your family, be part of ours.
What does it mean to be a Gaia Member?

“I just showed up to my appointments. Everything was taken care of and that meant so much. I feel really proud to be a Gaia Member.”
Your questions, answered:
Gaia offers plans that give you the best possible chance of success. Your eligibility for a plan depends on your treatment, your IVF history, and your BMI. Learn more about our eligibility here.
You are also able to request a quote regardless of whether you have a child, been through IVF before or you already have frozen embryos stored. We can't currently offer you a plan if you're in need a surrogate.
We can insure you for IVF, ICSI, reciprocal IVF, and treatment using donor eggs or sperm. We do not currently cover surrogacy, IUI, or treatment if you have previously stored embryos.
A payment that you make to Gaia to start each cycle so that we can fix your cycle costs, pay your clinic all your treatment expenses, protect your IVF journey, and give you access to our Member support and community. Your protection fee is tailored based on your personal details, your chosen clinic, and the type of treatment you plan to have. Your protection fee can be paid in a single payment or spread into 10 monthly payments, interest free.
Your fixed cycle costs include your retrieval, unlimited embryo transfers (fresh or frozen) and all medication. Specifically, we pay for your nurse consultations, donor eggs or sperm (when applicable), treatment monitoring scans, treatment monitoring blood tests, egg collection, sedation, fertilisation, ICSI (when applicable), blastocyst culture, fresh and frozen transfers, embryo freezing, 1 year of storage, and medication up until 12 weeks of pregnancy.
We follow guidelines outlined by the HFEA on what treatments and procedures are essential to your IVF. Full details about what is and isn’t included in your Gaia Plan will be listed in your Membership Agreement. Speak with us if you have any questions.
You have a maximum of 8 years to pay back your loan, and there are no early repayment fees.